Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (MGNREGA)
Download all of the NREGA formats here.
LibTech’s YouTube Playlist on Rejected Payment problems (English)
अस्वीकृत भुगतान संबंधित समस्याओं के बारे में लिबटेक की यूट्यूब प्लेलिस्ट (हिन्दी में)
MIS में अपने जॉबकार्ड की जानकारी कैसे ढूंढ सकते हैं – एक गाईड
Checklist for Successful NREGA Payment (English)

NREGA Grievance Formats/नरेगा शिकायत के फॉर्मॅट:
1. Guidelines to reinstatement of deleted worker | Download here (English)
2. Codes for registering complaints / शिकायत निवारण फॉर्मॅट भरने के लिए कोड | Download here (Hindi)
3. Filing a complaint relating to work measurement / काम की नापी संबंधित शिकायत | Download here (Hindi)
4. Filing a complaint relating to work demand / काम की माँग हेतु शिकायत | Download here (Hindi)
5. Filing a complaint relating to the work site / कार्य स्थल संबंधित शिकायत | Download here (Hindi)
6. Filing complaint relating to problems with payment of wages / मज़दूरी भुगतान संबंधित शिकायत | Download here (Hindi)
Material for NREGA Rejected Payment Campaigns/ नरेगा अस्वीकृत भुगतान अभियान के लिए सामग्री:
1. Guidelines to resolve Rejected Payments / रिजेक्ट हुए भुगतानों को सुलझाने के लिए गाइड्लाइन | Download here in English, and here in Hindi.
2. Verification template for rejected payments / रिजेक्ट हुए भगटानों के लिए सत्यापन, यानी की ‘वेरिफिकेशन’, का टेंपलेट | Download here for both English and Hindi.
3. Mock Action Plan for planning a campaign to resolve Rejected Payments | Download here (English)
Documents related to NREGA Wage Payments
- The Supreme Court’s judgement on the Swaraj Abhiyan vs. Union of India (2018), addressing the Centre’s undercounting of wage delays. Full judgement.
- The Ministry of Finance’s Memorandum acknowledging the results of LibTech’s investigation into NREGA wage delays. Full memorandum.
- Circular issued by the MoRD implementing the caste-based trifurcation of FTOs, March 2021. Circular here.
రైతులకు గ్రామీణ ఉపాధి హామీ పథకంలో 150 రోజులు
మహాత్మా గాంధీగ్రామీణ ఉపాధి హామీ పథకం(MGNREGA)లో ROFR పట్టాదారులకు 150 రోజుల పని కొరకు విన్నపం (తెలుగు)