Who we are


We are a team of engineers, social workers and social scientists who are interested in improving public service delivery in India. We are inspired by India’s Right to Information movement and believe that transparency can go a long way in reducing corruption and improving accountability.

While technology is integral to our approach, we recognise that a transparency project cannot just be about transferring bits of information from one place to another. We have learned that providing actionable information is a hard task. It requires an understanding of concrete problems that people face in each context, a strategy on which issues could be reasonably tackled in a given context, and an assessment of what role information can play in a role in this social process.  Doing so requires us to combine technical imagination with a sound understanding of social and political complexities. Consequently, LibTech’s focus has been on combining a thorough presence on the ground with rigorous academic research – what we call ‘Action Research’.

February 2024 Data Point: Mass Jobcard Deletions in NREGA

Our February Data Point looks at the trend of jobcard deletions in NREGA. Read more here.

Recent Publications

MGNREGA Employment

This Report was prepared using data available in the public domain. The analysis is based on data from two Financial Years: 2023-24 and 2024-25. In this report, we present the State level details of Employment generated.

MGNREGA & Tech Delays

Unconsulted digital interventions in MGNREGA, including ABPS, caused delays and caste-based wage segregation. The study calls for worker-centric, transparent technology in social policies.                                        .

MGNREGA Employment

This Report was prepared using data available in the public domain. The analysis is based on data from Three Financial Years: 2022-23 to 2024-25. In this report, we present the National level details of Employment generated, Deletions and ABPS.


Copy of the SOP on Deletion and Restoration of Job Cards/Workers under MGNREGA, issued by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, obtained through RTISoP on Job Card/ Worker Deletion and Restoration under Mahatma Gandhi NREGS.


We’re excited to share that our team member, Chakradhar Buddha, has authored an important book titled “Upadhi Hamilo Hakkula Sangatulu.” This collection of essays delves into the intricacies of MGNREGA in Telugu, offering valuable insights into Right to work.
The Union Government must impose immediate moratorium on deletions of MGNREGS Workers, Chakradhar Bhuddha, The Wire, 27 January 2025.
Opinion: Why the Andhra govt must be careful in reducing welfare pensioners, Chakradhar Bhuddha and P Karthik Reddy, The News Minute, 10 January 2025


  The right to work deleted. Rajendran Narayanan and Chakradhar Bhuddha, The Hindu, 28 November 2024.
Learning from Jharkhand: Advancing Transparency in Public Distribution System Portals, Devahuti Sarkar and Sameet Panda, The Wire, 12 October 2024.
Recent EPW Commentary piece:MGNREGA’s Attendance App: A Tool for Transparency or Exclusion?. Economic and Political Weekly,  30 Novemeber 2024.  Chakradhar Buddha and Laavanya Tamang.