At LibTech, our RAET approach—Research, Advocacy, Education, and Training—drives systemic change for transparent and equitable governance. Through detailed analysis and grassroots collaboration, we create impactful solutions to improve public services and societal outcomes.

Research (R)

At LibTech, research forms the backbone of our approach, as we believe institutions significantly influence governance and public services. Through our comprehensive research methodology, we study laws, rules, circulars, and systems, focusing on attention to detail and technology integration. By partnering with grassroot community organizations and campaigns, our research becomes more inclusive, representing the perspectives of those most impacted by governance issues. Delving into formal documents, conducting implementer interviews, and studying Management Information Systems (MIS) extensively, we uncover the intricacies of institutions. Case studies and process audits help us identify and address exclusions and process breakdowns. By estimating scale through data analysis, we gauge the impact of these issues. Utilizing these findings, we aim to improve governance responses and enhance civil society partnerships, driving positive change and ensuring effective and inclusive governance. We try to make research inclusive by disseminating to wide audiences through newspaper reports, academic writing, reports, policy briefs, interviews, panel discussions and to the people themselves through our partner organisations.

Advocacy (A)

Building on the insights gained from our extensive research and education initiatives, we actively work towards creating a broader impact through advocacy. Collaborating with national-level campaigns, grassroots people’s organizations, and government institutions, we effectively engage policymakers. Through leveraging our expertise, we actively participate in discussions in parliamentary standing committees and policy recommendation committees, influencing the policy-making process. Additionally, we utilize regional and national newspapers, research, and academic journals to disseminate our findings widely. By doing so, we advocate for systemic changes, ensuring that our research translates into tangible improvements in governance and social justice.

By establishing strong linkages between research, education, and advocacy, LibTech aims to drive positive change and foster a more equitable and transparent society.

Education and Training (ET)

In addition to research, we are committed to creating knowledge systems that empower stakeholders with valuable insights. Our nodal team curates a comprehensive knowledge base comprising rights, rules, procedures, and transactional information. This repository is meticulously built through the study of program documents, engagement with knowledgeable individuals, and collation of transactional data and survey information. By combining our research and education components, LibTech aims to equip individuals, civil society organizations, and administrations with the knowledge necessary to drive effective and inclusive governance through training. Our robust capacity-building efforts with grassroots organizations focus on utilizing data, data collection tools, and Management Information Systems (MIS).